Actionable strategies for introverted entrepreneurs, freelancers, and marketers to build a thriving business—without cold outreach, hustling, or pretending to be someone you're not.
A step-by-step online course designed for introverted entrepreneurs with online businesses. Learn how to create your own niche, master True Voice marketing. Discover a sales approach that works for introverts, so you can confidently close deals without feeling pushy or drained.
Built for introverts. Learn how to attract dream clients, grow your income, and build a business that feels right—without chasing leads or faking confidence.
🔹 No cold outreach, no hustle, no burnout
🔹 Proven framework tailored for introverted entrepreneurs
🔹 Simple, repeatable system to attract and convert clients
Tired of forcing yourself into pushy sales tactics? This course gives you a system to build a thriving business in a way that feels natural to you.
Tired of forcing yourself into pushy sales tactics? This course gives you a system to build a thriving business in a way that feels natural to you.
Position yourself as the go-to expert in your space—without pretending to be someone you’re not.
Structure your business around your energy levels and strengths, so you can scale sustainably.
Go from unpredictable income to a steady flow of aligned clients who love working with you.
Stefan Zangerle
As the founder of the social media recruiting agency "REKUNO," I’ve managed over $1 million in ad spend and generated 25,000+ applications across 7+ countries. These campaigns led to 1,400+ hires, giving me deep insight into marketing, recruiting, and running a business. They also helped me figure out what works and what doesn’t.
But I’m not the usual loud, extroverted, and hustle-driven agency owner. I’m an introverted entrepreneur, probably slightly autistic, and for the love of god, I fucking hate sales and speaking on the phone with anyone.
So I know firsthand how exhausting all the aggressive sales and cold outreach methods can be, especially if you are like me and are neither the most charming nor the most chatty type of guy.
Nonetheless, my journey has taught me that success doesn’t come from shouting the loudest and copying what everyone else is doing but from embracing your personality and doing what feels right to you.